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Bowen Therapy

Bowen is a gentle, non-invasive technique that works by stretching out the body’s connective tissue (Fascia). Bowen has been shown to help with muscular and skeletal problems such as back pain, neck pain, whiplash, sports injuries and other conditions such as Arthritis, Asthma, Hayfever, Eczema, Migraines, IBS, Stress and even Fertility problems.

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Lymphatic Drainage with ST8 & Oxygen

The ST8 is the world’s first Oxygen-Fed Scalar Transmitter Tissue Detoxification System. The ST8 helps detoxify tissue by assisting the body in dissolving lymphatic blockages and restoring normal lymphatic flow using novel quantum scalar technology coupled with super-oxygenated oxygen for remarkable healing potential.

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Foot Reflexology is based on the theory that pressure applied to specific points on the feet stimulates corresponding areas in other parts of the body. This type of stimulation is believed to help normalise function and increase circulation in the part of the body targeted.

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Scar Tissue Release Therapy

Scar Tissue Release Therapy is a gentle and effective technique used to minimise the appearance of physical scars. This treatment does not only help with the physical mark of the scar but also the psychological trauma that can be associated with the scar. Some examples of what we can treat include; C-Sections, Car accidents, Personal Attacks (knife/bullet), Surgical Scars.

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Breast Health

Breast health is an issue close to everyones heart, we offer a combination of treatments to check for normal cell activity, maintain lymphatic function and monitor breast health.

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LipoGenie Laser Treatment

The LipoGenie laser is a safe and effective treatment that is used for a multitude of conditions including Arthritis Pain Relief.

Natural low level laser light acts photo-chemically with visible and non-visible infra red light beams, triggering normal cell function. This promotes healing and regeneration of the body’s cells.


Schedule an Appointment

Please click the button below to schedule an appointment, If you’re unsure about what Therapy you need, or if you need a combination; please call Sam where she will be able to help you further.