What is Bowen Therapy?

The Bowen Technique is a gentle therapy that is applied to areas of the body, using thumbs and fingers in a specific process or order.

The move is a rolling-type move of the thumbs and forefingers, and is designed to stimulate nerve pathways which allow a ‘conversation’ to take place between different nervous systems of the body. Between each set of moves, the therapist leaves the room to allow the communication process to take place. These breaks increase the effectiveness of each subsequent set of moves.

The move does not slide or flick over the surface of the skin, but uses the slack in the overlying skin to move over the underlying tissue, so each move covers a small area, defined by how far an individual’s skin can move over a targeted area.

Bowen is very gentle and suitable for all ages.

What can Bowen Therapy help with?

Among the benefits it achieves in the process are the reduction of physical, emotional and mental stress; improvement in joint mobility, circulation of lymphatic and venous fluids and assimilation of nutrients; the elimination of toxins. 

Patients with sports injuries and accidents have found the Bowen Technique very helpful as a remedial therapy during their recovery. It may improve rehabilitation time regardless of when the injury was sustained.
In place of the illness and discomfort experienced with the conditions listed, Bowen introduces a state of ease and well being. Our experience demonstrates its benefit for 

  • Allergies 

  • Baby and childhood problems 

  • Back problems 

  • Bladder problems, bedwetting 

  • Bowel problems 

  • Digestive problems 

  • Dizziness 

  • Ear problems 

  • Fatigue 

  • Fluid retention 

  • Foot problems 

  • Frozen shoulder 

  • Headaches (migraine, sinus) 

  • Bedwetting, incontinence 

  • Jaw problems 

  • Knee and hip restrictions, misalignments 

  • Menstrual and other female problems 

  • Pelvic tilt, leg length, hip imbalance 

  • Poor mobility 

  • Repetitive Strain Injury 

  • Respiratory problems 

  • Skeletal and muscular problems from lumbar to neck 

  • Sports injuries 

  • Stress 

Our repetitive habits like crossing our legs turning our head to look at the TV. or computer screens, Sleeping in the recovery position etc. can cause our body to compensate and favour one side and if these ergonomic errors continue on a daily to yearly basis. Causing a knock-on effect to the rest of the body to compensate and if left can cause wear n Tear and if untreated can start to affect your daily life to the point of permanent pain, sometimes other injuries can occur because of muscle weakness on one side of the body and the muscle being too tight on the opposite side, Then just doing a normal task like leaning forward and it will suddenly twinge and go. Painkillers can mask the pain but cannot cure it. Bowen Therapy is a safe and gentle way to release the body and return back to a natural balanced state and free you from discomfort.